quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2022

Nissan production, sales and exports for February 2022


YOKOHAMA, Japan –Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. today announced production, sales and export figures for February 2022.

1. Production

Global production declined 7.8% from a year earlier.

  • Production in and outside Japan declined 11.4% and 7.0% from a year earlier, respectively.


2. Sales

Global sales declined 16.6% from a year earlier.

  • Sales including minivehicles in Japan declined 12.8%.
    • Sales of registered vehicles in Japan declined 5.1%.
    • Minivehicle sales in Japan declined 22.8%.
  • Sales outside Japan declined 17.3% from a year earlier.


3. Exports from Japan

Exports from Japan declined 44.9% from a year earlier.

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